Soil and Water Conservation District #215
106 Bevans Street P O Box 665 Menard, TX 76859
325-396-4708 ext 5 menardcounty@swcd.texas.gov

Menard County SWCD #215
Annual Activities and Workshops
Leadership Development Workshop -February
Poster and Essay Contests - February
Poster and Essay Award Presentations – March/April
Area II Awards Banquet - May
Soil and Water Stewardship Week - April/May
Hill Country Association Spring Meeting - May
TSSRM Youth Range Workshop Meal - June
SWCD Educator Workshop Meal - June
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - August
4th & 5th Grade Conservation Field Day - September
CEU Training – October
Annual TSSWCB State Meeting - October
4th Grade Arbor Day Tree Planting - November
High School Conservation Program - November
MCSWCD Directors Attend Annual SWCD Meetings
Each year, District Directors attend regional and statewide association meetings. Attendance at meetings helps broaden Directors' knowledge of timely conservation issues, offers field tours of successful agricultural operations and information about pending or needed legislation on state and national levels.
Menard County SWCD hosted the Hill Country Association of SWCDs Meeting in May 2023. Director Jennings served as president of the organization in 2023. There are 20 member SWCDs in the Hill Country area. The meeting was held at the Ft. McKavett Historical Site. Guided tours of the site were enjoyed by attendees, followed by a catered barbeque meal served by David Schniers of Rowena. The business meeting was conducted following the meal.

MCSWCD Directors attend the Annual State Meeting of Texas SWCD Directors. The annual conference, held at a different location each year, includes keynote speakers, business meetings, breakout sessions on a wide variety of conservation and environmental issues and a statewide awards banquet, along with numerous booths promoting agricultural products and agencies.


Menard County SWCD hosted a breakfast for Menard ISD the first day of in-service for the 2023-2024 school year. It is the MCSWCD Board’s goal to thank the teachers, staff, administration and all involved for the difficult job of educating and nurturing our students and to thank them for their efforts in teaching conservation.
The theme for this year’s Conservation Awards Program essay and poster contest is “May the Forest Be with You, Always”. The Board looks forward to reviewing the essays and posters our MISD students submit for the 2024 school year.
Preparing to welcome teachers for the 2023-24 school year are MCSWCD Directors, left to right: JW Jennings, Billy Kniffen, Benny Kothmann and Gary Treadwell, along with Susie Lyckman, MCSWCD Manager.
As they prepare for the 2023-24 school year, teachers and administrators enjoy the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast provided by MCSWCD.

MCSWCD has selected the local District poster and essay winners and the top two of each category have been sent to the Area II level.
2023 Conservation Poster and Essay
Contest Winners
View or print complete list of winners

2023 Elementary and Junior High Winners
Back row, left to right: Lydia Damon, Sheridan Duncan, Perla Pecina, Taytum Chambless, Kade Bannowsky, JW Jennings, MCSWCD Director and Susie Lyckman, MCSWCD Manager..
Front row, left to right: Linah Wright, Daphne Mews, Rylee Ruiz, Ellen Hand, Paisley Mayfield and Tyler Sloan.

2023 High School
Conservation Essay Winners
Left to right: Lydia Damon, Logan Powell, Sheridan Duncan, Khloe McCaffery, MCSWCD Director JW Jennings, Joslynn Quintero and MCSWCD Manager Susie Lyckman.

Menard County is proud to have a 2023 Area II Essay Contest winner. Taytum Chambless earned 2nd place in the Junior Essay division. Taytum is the daughter of Payton and Kacy Chambless, winning as a 7th grade student at MJH. She is active in 4-H and athletics, member of the Student Council and an Honor Roll student. Menard County SWCD was happy to sponsor Taytum and her parents at the Area II Awards banquet in Wall, Texas.
Each year MCSWCD sponsors annual poster and essay contests for local students. Younger children learn valuable conservation lessons through creative artwork based on a statewide theme.
Older students research the theme's topic and write essays based on what they've learned.
"Students are learning about ecology, soil health, clean water and how to protect and clean up our environment."

MCSWCD presents 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards to poster winners in first through eighth grades. Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are then selected.
Three Overall Junior Essay Winners and three Overall Senior Essay Winners are recognized.
In accordance with Texas State Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and Association of Texas SWCDs (ATSWCD) regulations, winners in each category are entered into the Area II regional contest.
In May, the Area II Awards Banquet is held to honor student winners of the conservation and essay contests. Conservation farmer and rancher, wildlife operations, teacher of the year, businesses, Friends of Conservation and other categories are also recognized at the annual event.
Through the years, MCSWCD has produced winners in many categories. Directors and the Business Manager attend the event to represent Menard county, as well as to support the conservation efforts of landowners and environmentalists across the large, 52-county Area II region.
2023 Poster and Essay Winners
2022 Poster and Essay Winners
2021 Poster and Essay Winners
State and Other Contest Winners
MCSWCD has a long history of Area II and State winners
Here are some of our winners
2020 Texas Essay Winner,
13 Years And Younger Division
Wyatt Terrell
See state presentation, pics and read more . . .
2020 MCSWCD Friend of Conservation
Jake Landers
2019 Texas Essay Winner,
14-18 Years Old Division
Lexus Aguirre
See state presentation, pics and read more . . .
2018 Texas Conservation
Teacher of the Year
Mary Kniffen
See state presentation pic and read more . . .
4th and 5th Grade
Conservation Field Day
Held in September of odd numbered years



Edible Aquifers
2021 4th and 5th Grade Conservation Field Day
September 8, 2021 the fourth and fifth grade Menard Elementary School students attended a conservation field day held by the Menard County SWCD #215.
The Students visited 6 stations where they experienced: raindrop effects on soil by Kathy Mews; wells and the water table by Merridith Allen; soil composition by Billy Kniffen; poster development by Deb Roberson; edible aquifers by Mary Kniffen and Lisa Brown; and wildlife by Jerry Kidd and Katy Kidd.
A meal of hot dogs, cheese, chips, apples, and cookies was provided and served by the Menard County Soil and Water Conservation District. Thank you to Lowe’s Pay and Save for the awesome support and donations for the meal.
Students were given an overview of TSSRM Youth Range Camp by Houston Hayes and Colton Flage. An introduction to the opportunities of 4H followed by Lisa Brown. Then the afternoon program of Conservation and You was given by Billy Kniffen and Lisa Brown. As a finale students gained an insight of the relationship of wildlife and livestock on the range by participating in a competitive game.
The Presenters and District directors were very impressed by the exemplary behavior of the 4th & 5th graders. Our compliments to their teachers and parents!
Thank you to the Teachers and Administrators for allowing the SWCD the opportunity to share different aspects of conservation with our young people. Thank you to our presenters who did an outstanding job.

Edible aquifers by Mary Kniffen and Lisa Brown

Poster development by Deb Roberson

Wells and the water table by Merridith Allen

Raindrop effects on soil by Kathy Mews

Soil composition by Billy Kniffen
Wildlife by Jerry Kidd and Katy Kidd
September 10, 2019
(Held in September of odd numbered years)

4th and 5th graders arrive at the Whitehead-Murchison Complex for Conservation Field Day.
Retired teacher Marcy Wheeler presents tips on how to construct conservation posters.
Dr. Jake Landers teaches a session about wildlife and the benefits of pollination.

Gene Stalzer, from Native American Seed, helps students make seed balls and provides instructions about planting and distribution.

Grant Teplicek, from USDA/NRCS, demonstrates how ground cover protects soil from erosion and captures more water for the soil to absorb.
The 4th and 5th Graders of Menard ISD attended a Conservation Field Day on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at the Whitehead-Murchison Complex.
The students arrived by bus about 8:45 a.m. and once on site, they were divided up into 5 groups to maneuver through six different stations:
Soils by Victoria Norrell-NRCS: students discovered how much of the earth they were able to live on.
Water by Tami Russell and Caroline Runge-Water Districts: students observed how water moves through the ground we stand on and how easily it can be polluted.
Pollinators by Gene Stalzer-Native American Seed: this station allowed students to make seed balls using seeds of different colored flowers to attract certain pollinators. Discussion was held on how to plant or distribute the seed balls to get the best results.
Rainfall Simulation by Grant Teplicek-NRCS: students were shown how ground cover protects the soil from erosion as it captures more water for the soil to absorb. Different range plants were shown that would attract pollinators. Ground cover also affects how well a seed might germinate.
Wildlife by Dr. Jake Landers: students discovered an animal's tooth structure determined the kind of food it could eat. It was pointed out that without pollination by wind or animals there would be no food.
Poster Construction by Marcy Wheeler-Retired Teacher: tips on how to construct an effective and competitive conservation poster were discussed and practiced.
A lunch of hot dogs was followed by a discussion of "The 4-H and You" by Lisa Brown, AgriLife Extension, and Mary Kniffen, 4-H advisor.
The afternoon program, given by Dr. Barron Rector, Texas A&M Professor, taught how man affects pollinators and the world around them. This was followed by an activity to show how all of earth's systems are connected as well as how competition for food and food availability controls animal and plant populations in nature.
Students were accompanied to each station by their teachers and by the Menard County SWCD Directors. Buses were loaded at 3:30 p.m.
The students’ behavior during this event was a great compliment to their teachers and school as well as to their parents. The presenters of the program were very impressed and complimentary.
Way to Go, 4th & 5th Graders!!!
9th and 10th Grade
Conservation Program
November 16, 2021
On November 16, 2021, Menard County SWCD #215 held a Conservation Program at the Whitehead-Murchison Complex.
Menard ISD high school students and attending faculty attended a half-day program featuring: “Water Facts” presented by Caroline Runge; “Soil Characteristics Needed to Support Life” given by Billy Kniffen; “Wildlife” presented by John Compton; “Good Range Depends on Healthy Soil” given by Charles Anderson; “Good Essay Strategies” presented by Kendria Ray and “Monarchs” by Jenny Singleton.
The students and faculty arrived at 8:30 a.m. and attended six 30-minute sessions before returning to school. The presenters and SWCD Directors were very impressed with the wonderful behavior of our students.
Students, you make our community look awesome. Thank you.

MISD students learn about "Monarchs" from Jenny Singleton.

A presentation about "Water Facts" was given by Caroline Runge.

John Compton presents his program on "Wildlife".

Charles Anderson taught students how "Good Range Depends on Healthy Soil".

"Soil Characteristics Needed to Support Life" was MCSWCD Director Billy Kniffen's topic during the high school conservation program.

Caroline Runge is ready for her session with MISD high school students.
November 25, 2019
Menard High School 9th and 10th grade students gathered at the Murchison-Whitehead Complex for a Conservation program Monday, November 25, 2019. The program was composed of 6 stations:
Predators with Gary Roberson of Burnham Brothers and TV Show Carnivore Host
Pollinators by Ryan McClintock, NRCS Biologist
Water with Meredith Allen, Menard County Assistant District Water Manager
Soils with Amanda Bragg, NRCS Soil Scientist
Bees by Andrew Burnard, Apiarist (Beekeeper)
Essay Tips with Kendria Ray, Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Area II Representative
Other guests were Superintendent Mrs. Amy Bannowsky, High School Principal Mrs. Cheryl Kruse, Mr. Larry Reed, Mr. Kolby Kahlden, Mr. William Barker and Mrs. Denisse Crisp.
Many thanks to MISD for sharing these students and staff with Menard SWCD #215. The purpose of the program is to give Menard students a background in conservation and its relationship with their community. This will give them a better chance to make good voter decisions about conservation for their community and state.
The Student behavior was awesome! Thank you 9th and 10th graders for making us (Menard ISD and Menard County SWCD #215) look so good!

![NOV 25 2019 Gary - Copy[197581].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b43bc1_8bc772299b48490ead8e98dc471c7d46~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_333,h_329,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/NOV%2025%202019%20Gary%20-%20Copy%5B197581%5D.jpg)

Ryan McClintock, biologist from the San Angelo NRCS Area II office, cuts an apple during a demonstration about pollinators.
Gary Roberson of Burnham Brothers and television show Carnivore host, discusses predators.
Apiarist Andrew Burnard of Kimble County, demonstrates equipment and techniques of beekeeping.
More Educational Conservation Programs
Soil and Water Stewardship Week is observed by MCSWCD in the first week of May, along with SWCDs nationwide.
Stewardship Week is a time for thanksgiving as well as for communities to remember the important role every citizen plays in protecting our natural resources.
In 2018, MCSWCD provided watershed booklets and puzzles to elementary, junior high and high school students based on the 2018 theme: "Watersheds: Our Land, Our Home".
Menard County SWCD hosted a tree planting for the 4th grade students of Menard Elementary School, Wednesday, November 6, 2019. This event was to celebrate Arbor Day.
Arbor Day in this part of Texas is on the first Friday of November. Due to school schedules and football, we celebrated this day on the following Wednesday.
The District encourages everyone to plant a tree or shrub (native if possible), which will improve the air quality, habitat for birds and pollinators and beauty of the community.
By planting your trees and shrubs in the fall, you encourage root growth and adaptation to a new growing place for the plant. By spring, the plant should be ready to start growing. Just remember to water this plant all through the winter.
Everyone had fun planting our tree at the
2019 Arbor Day event!

Menard ISD 4th graders assist MCSWCD Director Jerry Kidd with setting posts for the cage around their newly planted tree.

Students learn the technique of "tickling" the roots before planting their tree with instruction from MCSWCD Directors Billy Kniffen (kneeling, left) and JW Jennings (standing).

Menard ISD students had fun at the 2019 Arbor Day event, where they learned how to plant and care for a tree and its importance in conservation and the environment.

Menard County SWCD knows that the future of agriculture
lies in the hands of our young people. We try to provide educational tools to promote good decision-making to protect the land for the benefit of future generations.